Simon Eskildsen piano Thomas Sejthen bass Daniel Sommer drums

12" vinyl

DKk 150,-


Give a warm welcome to the Simon Eskildsen Trio! This new-founded supertrio aims to give the jazz-compositions of Simon Eskildsen the best possible vessel for improvisation and dialogue within music.

The trio recorded their first album live in december 2016, and the album is now out on vinyl and digital.

Give a warm welcome to the Simon Eskildsen Trio! This new-founded supertrio aims to give the jazz-compositions of Simon Eskildsen the best possible vessel for improvisation and dialogue within music.

The trio recorded their first album live in december 2016, and the album is now out on vinyl and digital.


Get to know the people behind the trio, and look out for them in other projects as well..

Daniel Sommer drums

Drummer Daniel Sommer just released his own, freely improvised duo-session album, with a long range of featuring artists from Denmark and abroad. Among others, he is playing with super-guitarist Marc Ducret and pianist and musical legend Butch Lacy. Sommer also plays in the danish Ornithopter, OrgelDuo and with Live Foyn Quartet among others. For this particular trio he provides energy, imagination and an almost telepathic connection with Eskildsen, from their long musical friendship.

Thomas Sejthen bass

Our bassist Thomas is widely known for his musical abilities. He is a regular in the Uffe Steen Trio and with Indra. He has a talent for elevating compositions, and always making the rest of the band sound great. He is also part of the more experimental danish group Admiral Awesome - a fresh take on jazz in recent years. Sejthen provides the grounding in the trio, but also ventures out and lifts the music up!

Simon Eskildsen piano

Pianist and frontman, Simon Eskildsen, is the architect of the trio. He provides the musical blueprints for the band to take off from. Simon is also known for his part in danish afrobeat band AddisAbabaBand, his duo with german sax-player Benjamin Himpel and as Organ player in OrgelDuo among others. He values improvisation and will to go on tangents while still maintaining musical direction. His compositions propels the group, and inspires the improvisations.

contact - simoneskildsen(at)

© 2017